Hichan's very small and cute (she's only a child)
but beware of her moods, she can get quite wild
She loves to play hide-and-seek and everyone knows
That she's fun to play with, from head down to toes
Hiko and Rayden, her parents you see
Like to let her play with mortals -- that's you and me
It's not very nice, because it's hard to understand
Why you're being pushed by an invisible little hand.

Rayden's Thoughts
(In Dea, when he's all mopey and stuff)
A quiet lake, nestled in the mountains
I made it for you
A whole race of people with fire-bright hair
They are in your image

I tried to be everything you wanted
And maybe I was, on a quiet picnic day
But I let you down
I didn't do everything I could have

You sacrificed yourself, and your daughter
So I could escape punishment
You sacrificied your life
So that we could continue fighting

The flickering of a candle
Dancing shadows on the wall
But how can I see
When my candle has gone out?

A Loving Daughter
They all said he was the cause of their pain
But he never hurt me
They all hate him for his bitterness
But he loves me

Powerful, but loving and kind
Ambitious, but only for his children
Can't they see he tried so hard?
Can't they see he really loved them?

A wish, sent out to you, All-Powerful
That one day, they might see his kindness
That he will see how they folowed their own dreams
That that day will not come too late

I love my father, like I loved my brothers
Why can't they realize that
My love for each is the same?

Assorted Blank Verses
tall man, straw hat, white hair
he is going slowly crazy
crazy slowly going is he
lightning in his eyes
God of Thunder

Lindara, even while still in her diaper
never waited, she was always hyper
she liked eating sand, and bugs too
but she never did say boo-hoo
she was always such a happy child
and her moods, if flaky, were mild
she talks quite a bit, you'd never see her mime
but no one cares (certainly not the Guardian of Time)

© 2002 Omniversal Enterprises
As always (how many times have we said this now?) all poems, sonnets, odes, rhyming schemes, etc., are the property of their owners and not to be downloaded, linked to, or anything else like that without their permission. But feel free to get them stuck in your head or to read them to other people. (They're good for that.) Submissions are to be sent to johinsa@hotmail.com because she actually paid attention in english class and understands poetry.